Manholes are functional elements that are intended for containers and sealed tanks. Special hatches are high-quality elements that are intended for maintenance and inspection of communications.

Why do we need manholes?

Considering the range of hatches in specialized stores, you can see that they are not very diverse. However, professionals say that it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the activities that are carried out with their use. The mandatory setting of these attributes is regulated in the rules of the PB-03-605-03. This document describes in detail the rules of use and other important characteristics.

Installation of hatches is carried out in the first belt of tanks. At the same time, they are actively used by repair or maintenance teams. With the help of manholes, you can provide unhindered access to communications for the following events:

    — maintenance or emergency repairs;
    — extraction of sediments that have accumulated on the bottom;
    — for the installation of pontoons.

Main variations of manholes

Depending on the shape, experts distinguish the following types of construction:
Both options consist of several main parts. The design includes a housing and a cover. These elements are connected to each other using bolts or other types of connections. In some cases, the cover can be attached to the flange. This type of attachment allows you to significantly increase the sealing of the structure.

  • Some manufacturers provide special rotary mechanisms in the design. They are necessary to facilitate the opening. When making a purchase of manholes, it is necessary to carefully study the following aspects:
    1. The shape of the case.
    2. Diameter of the structure.
    3. The presence of a rotary device that will greatly facilitate the procedure for opening the hatch.
    4. The marking T or Y will indicate the variants of the climatic version of the hatch.

Features of skylights of LS

Skylights are special openings that are used for further inspection of the structure. Such variants of manholes are actively used for ventilation or inspection of communications. Light manholes can also be used to perform repair work, which is primarily aimed at restoring operational characteristics.

When choosing a suitable design, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the housing. It can be from 200 to 1000 mm. To extend the service life of this product, some manufacturers additionally treat the structures with corrosion protection compounds. The kit also provides a special rubber gasket, which significantly increases the tightness of the system. To fully explore all the variations of the designs, you need to go to the catalog of specialized stores.